New Contract Award: USMC CDD TOSS IDIQ
As part of a team with AMSG, ALEX will have the opportunity to supply cutting-edge AI/ML capabilities to the USMC’s need for technical, analytical, engineering, operations, and capability portfolio management support services.
New Contract Award: AFLCMC/XA MAC IDIQ
ALEX will have the opportunity to supply cutting-edge Al/ML capabilities to the Air Force’s AFLCMC/XA MAC IDIQ.
New Contract Award: Shore-based Training, Engineering, and Development Support (SBEDS)
ALEX will have the opportunity to provide expertise to the Naval Surface Warfare Center SBEDS.
New Contract Award: Joint Non-Lethal Intermediate Force Capabilities Professional Military Education (JPME) Elective Course Support and Non-Lethal Education and Outreach
ALEX will continue to support the Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office with outreach and instruction as part of a Non-Lethal Weapons Elective Course.